Moira Jenkins, the professional director at Aboto, has expertise and experience in helping organisations prevent and address workplace bullying and harassment. Significantly she approaches workplace bullying from an occupational health and safety perspective. This means that bullying is viewed as a psychological hazard that should be managed as other workplace hazards are managed.

As illustrated in her book ‘Preventing and Managing Bullying and Harassment: A Risk Management Approach‘, her applied and practical approach to preventing bullying is realistic and evidence based.
Moira can help ensure your organisation has an up-to-date respectful behaviour policy that promotes appropriate behaviour in the workplace, and contains options to address conflicts, as well as more serious allegations of bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination
Aboto conducts training and facilitates workshops for a number of different types of organisations on how to prevent and manage bullying and harassment, or inappropriate behaviours that are contributing to problems within teams. Workshops are interactive and specifically targeted to the audience, addressing the specific needs of teams, workers, managers or senior executives.
Aboto has developed specialist online training that will complement the development of a psychologically healthy culture within your workplace.
Moira also conducts specialist ‘Train the Trainer’ workshops for organisations that employ their own trainers who want to undertake ‘in-house’ bullying prevention and management training.
Moira specialises in Alternative Dispute Resolution practices including mediating complaints where there have been allegations of bullying (only some allegations of bullying are suitable for mediation, more serious complaints should always be investigated). She conducts restorative mediations following investigations of workplace bullying complaints when both parties want to restore a professional and respectful relationship.
She has developed a model of mediation that is specific to complaints of bullying, and has presented this model at national conferences, and published this framework in peer reviewed academic journals. Moira was the recipient of the 2014: LEADR Association of Dispute Resolvers Practitioner Award for significant contribution of dispute resolution to meet specific needs (in this case bullying and harassment).
As part of her PhD, Moira was one of the first researchers to examine the impact of being accused of bullying at work, and she emphasises the importance of organisations dealing with all parties to a complaint in a fair and unbiased manner.