The following is publications and media that Dr Moira Jenkins has produced in her work on bullying at work and around mediation and conflict management. This information is in addition to our pages on Aboto’s human resource specialist areas.
Preventing and Managing Workplace Bullying and Harassment: A Risk Management Approach
This book encapsulates Moira’s risk management approach to Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination. The book shows you how to meet these responsibilities using practical, sensible strategies based on a framework of:
- understanding what bullying and sexual harassment really mean,
- using a risk management approach to identify issues in the workplace,
- implementing procedures to control risk,
- taking action when things go wrong.
You can purchase a copy through Australian Academic Press online store.
Workplace Bullying: An Adaptive Leadership Challenge
Mediating Workplace Bullying Complaints
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Jenkins, M. F., Winefield, H., & Sarris, A (2013) Perceptions of Unfairness in the Management of Bullying Complaints: Exploring the Consequences. International Journal of Business Administration. 4, (4) Online Published: July 2, doi:10.5430/ijba.v4n4p16 URL:
Bullying Allegations from the Accused Bully’s Perspective (British Journal of Management)
Consequences of being accused of workplace bullying, An exploratory study. (International journal of Workplace Health Management )
Mediating workplace bullying complaints: An evidence based approach (Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 29, 1, November 2011)
Peer Reviewed Conference Presentations
Jenkins, M. F. Developing a Rehabilitation Program for Following Workplace Bullying: Results of a ‘World-Café’ Style Focus Group Study. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, Milan, Italy, 2014.
Jenkins, M. F. Mediating bullying complaints. Proposing a new model of mediation to ensure sustainable outcomes. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Workplace Bullying, Copenhagen June 2012
Jenkins, M. F. (2011) Making mediated outcomes sustainable: An integrated approach to mediating workplace bullying complaints. Paper presented at the APS Organisational Psychology Conference, Brisbane 2011
Jenkins, M. F. (2011) Taking a systemic approach to mediating bullying complaints: An evidence based model. Paper presented at the LEADR “Kongress’ Conference, Brisbane, 2011
Jenkins, M. F., Winefield, H., & Sarris, A. (2010). Listening to the bullies: An exploratory study of managers accused of workplace bullying. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Workplace Bullying, Cardiff, Wales (June 2010).
Jenkins, M. F., Winefield, H., & Sarris, A. (2010). Sticks and stones will break my bones and names will also hurt me. An exploratory study of managers accused of workplace bullying. Paper presented at the 10th National Mediation Conference, Adelaide, South Australia (September 2010).
Jenkins, M. F., Winefield, H., & Sarris, A. (2008). Workplace Bullying: Perceptions of organisational justice and outcomes in workplace bullying policies and procedures. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Workplace Bullying, Montreal, Canada (June 2008).
Poster Presentations
Jenkins, M. F., Winefield, H., & Sarris, A. Perceptions of injustice. The Consequences of complaining about workplace bullying. Presented at the South Australian WorkCover Conference, Adelaide (2008).
Jenkins, M. F., Winefield, H & Sarris, A. Claiming for fairness’ sake: What makes bully victims claim workers’ compensation? South Australian WorkCover Conference, Adelaide. (2008)
Invited Seminars & Presentations (selection only)
Mediating Bullying Complaints: Evidence based systemic approach. Workshops conducted on behalf of LEADR Australia in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide during 2012.
The Impact of Being Accused of Bullying –WorkSafe Victoria Conference – Turning Theory into Practice. Melbourne October 2011.
Taking An Evidence Based Approach To Mediating Bullying Complaints: What are the ‘pros and cons’ and how can we address the problems. Presented at the Australasian Workplace Bullying Research Network Forum. Brisbane 2011.
Co-presenter of Conflict Management Coaching – Cinergy Model workshop held at Auckland University, New Zealand. Workshop organised by LEADR New Zealand, 2010.
Workplace Bullying: Perceptions Of Organisational Justice And Outcomes In Workplace Bullying Complaints. Department of Psychology Colloquium, University of Frankfurt, Germany, 2008.
Why Are Managers Accused Of Bullying: A thematic analysis from interviews with alleged bully perpetrators? Business S.A Conference, South Australia, 2008.